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CradleMRx is ICD-10 code Ready

Cradle Solution, Inc. simplifies the transition to ICD-10 for all HIPAA-covered entities, offering a user-friendly lookup tool with two-way mapping for seamless code navigation, ensuring ease of use ahead of the official rollout date of October 1, 2015.

The transition to ICD-10 is required for everyone covered by the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA). We at Cradle Solution, Inc. have implemented our ICD-10 lookup in a way that makes using it as simple as possible. The two-way mapping of both ICD-9 and ICD-10 ensures that our users can search for diagnosis codes using either format.


The image below shows the result of searching for an ICD-10 code; the corresponding ICD-9 codes are displayed on the right side of the page. Currently, use of ICD-10 codes is restricted until the official rollout date of October 1, 2015.

For users who would rather search by ICD-9 during this transitional period, the diagram below shows a diagnosis search for an ICD-9 code; the corresponding ICD-10 codes are displayed in the right-side panel. Currently, only ICD-9 codes are available for selection. After the October 1st rollout date, ICD-10 codes will be selectable from this search.

ICD-10 code

Once the correct diagnosis code is selected, the green button containing the correct ICD code will insert the selected code to the OASIS page.

CradleMRx is ICD-10 code Ready

Cradle Solution, Inc. simplifies the transition to ICD-10 for all HIPAA-covered entities, offering a user-friendly lookup tool with two-way mapping for seamless code navigation, ensuring ease of use ahead of the official rollout date of October 1, 2015.

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